Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2014

benefits of broccoli weight loss

benefits of broccoli weight loss Broccoli is one of many types of vegetables are preferred.Counteract Free Radicals

Vitamin C and fairly high antikosidan content in broccoli serves to counteract free radicals which is the main cause of the disease, such as cancer.

     Maintaining Bone Health and Prevent Osteoporosis

Calcium and vitamin K is an essential substance that is able to support bone health and prevent osteoporosis, both substances are present in broccoli.

     Keeping Blood Pressure

In addition to the dragon fruit is good for keeping blood pressure, broccoli also contained magnesium and calcium that serves to maintain and regulate blood pressure in the body.

     Maintaining Health and Function of the Nervous System

Fairly high potassium content in broccoli efficacious for maintaining the health and function of the nervous system and is able to optimize brain function as well as encourage the development of muscle

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